He is a senior professor and also the Director of Agro-technology in Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University. Dr. Gunjal’s work is multi-faceted. He is a scientist in the International Crop Research Centre, an expert of distance learning, he has actually demonstrated biodiversity in fields and has tried to protect the biodiversity in tribal areas. He has experimented a lot with organic farming and in using modern media for distace learning. Over 300 NGOs and 1.5 lakh farmers are part of these experiments. Dr. Gunjal’s work has been appreciated nationally and internationally. He is connected with various universities in Malaysia, Thailand, Shri Lanka, New Zealand, Australia and Philipines as an agroand distance-learning expert.He is a guiding beacon to countless farmers (to those especially engaged in organic farming) and thus very much deserves the ‘Vasundhara Mitra’ award.