

Bhalu Mondhe

Vasundhara Mitra

Born in Indore, 1944, after basic education, Bhalu Mondhe took interest in photography and fine arts. He was appointed as a photographer in Government of India’s Mining department at Nagpur in 1963. His wide travel and residence in Europe for more than a decade made him acutely conscious and appreciative of Indian sensibilities and aesthetics. The beginning of his photographic journey dates back to his teens in Germany where he mastered the complex dye-transfer process of photographic printmaking. He is a man of many media-Bhalu paints, sculpts & clicks – constantly pushing the limits and exploring new territory. In his work, Madhya Pradesh holds the pride of place, and people will find that he documented the diversity and detail of his native homeland with inspiration and sensitivity. Bhalu describes himself as “a field man” – a humble definition for a person of his experience and excellence in the vast, varied field of art.