

Dilasa Jivikas Pratishthan

Vasundhara Mitra - Organisation

Dilasa Janvikas Pratishthan’ of Aurangabad (India) is an NGO working in about 900 villages in the field of rural development. It undertakes the water shed development works, thereby enhancing the surface and groundwater storages and improving the soil. This has helped not only in restoring the ecology of rural terrain, but also in improving the economic and social conditions of the village folk. The Dilasa Mahila Gruha Undyao (women’s domestic industry) produces and markets 28 different domestic products, Dilasa has become the doce word for development in the areas covered by it, through its education programmes,Rural Technology Park, children’s welfare projects, participatory irrigation projects and watershed and awuifer management. The work of Dilasa Janvikas Pratishthan is significant from the point of view of empowerment of rural people and strengthening the ecological resources.